About the project


Many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) continue to rely on manual processes for goods receipt inspection and inventory management of palletized goods. Unfortunately, these processes are prone to errors due to various challenges encountered during inspections. In light of these challenges, a new solution is needed to address the limitations of existing automation solutions while catering to the unique requirements of SMEs.


One of the primary difficulties faced during goods receipt inspection is the lack of easily discernible packing patterns in palletized goods. This makes it essential to examine each pallet from all sides, increasing the likelihood of errors. Additionally, traditional inventory management methods demand high concentration over extended periods, posing a challenge for employees.


Existing automation solutions have been available; however, they are often costly and limited to fixed locations within the goods receiving area. This limitation restricts the accessibility and flexibility of these solutions, making them less viable for SMEs. In response to this industry need, a more streamlined and ideally mobile solution is required.

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Hochschulring 20
28359 Bremen, Germany

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